Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dear Erin,

Thank you for trusting me with your children. I feel inadequate to the task of raising them as well as you would have. Someone told me today that I am exactly what they need right now. Someone else told me that I will be able to help them through this because I knew you before you took your first breath. Really I think that they are exactly what I need. They are a piece of you that I can continue to cherish for the rest of my life.

There have been two complete double rainbows shining in the eastern sky in the last week. Some folks on Facebook have posted pictures and given you credit for this reminder of how beautiful the world really is. I keep thinking that some of the beauty left the world with you. My corner of the planet is darker, emptier, lonelier. I know that this will pass, that I will survive the grief somehow. But if that is you, thanks for the reminder.

Love, Mom


  1. You knew Erin before her first breath, she knew Peyton and Nick before theirs!
    You are IN them and they are there in your heart, with Erin. As the saying goes, a match made in heaven. Erin will be helping all of you along the way. One of my teachers once told me, there is a kindness to the grand design... and I will add even those days when we don't see it.

  2. you are all part of each other, and somehow you will be helping each other through this journey, even when you think you have nothing to give, through each others eyes Erin is there, hugs my friend.
